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Well, I don't know that I'm stressing so much as I feel like I have lots to get done. Not that I'm rushed or anything, just that I want it all to come out really well so I really want to think about it before producing it. For example, I am going to have my Phys. Ed. students keep a nutrition and exercise log along with a goal calendar in my class. So, I'm creating mine as an example. Only problem is, I want it to be simple enough for them to be able to make one themselves (its in a 3-subject spiral notebook, you know, the kind with the built-in dividers?) but also complex enough for them to keep track of nutritional value, calorie expenditure, and whether or not they're meeting their goals. I really don't feel like I did my best last year as a PE teacher, so I really wanna do better this time around :) Once I make it I will post it here so you guys can see it, too! hehe...I think it could be a great thing if I follow-up with them on it and show them how easy it can be. But, the hardest part will be making sure I, myself, keep up with my own. Plus, I have to type up a rubric for how it will be graded, along with first-day of school rules, procedures, etc.
It wouldn't be so bad if my school wasn't undergoing major renovative construction on the gym!!! I have nowhere to work out with these kids!!! We will go outside when we can but it is a HUNDRED DEGREES OUTSIDE! So, I'm just trying to figure out how this can all work :)
I am so glad I get to sleep in tomorrow and Sunday! WOO!!!
I did find out that from Aug 29th until probably the first of October, I will be working eleven hour days 3 days a week and 16 hour days the other 2 days of the week. Why? Because we have to use an off-campus facility for volleyball practice due to the renovations on our school's gym. It pretty much sucks, but what can you do? I just have to turn it into a positive because for the kids because they are going through these growing pains, too. But don't worry, I'll be sure and fill you guys in on my exhaustion levels ;-)
God Bless!
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