[ music | paranoid android - sia ]
Well, 1 day down...186 more to go!!! lol...okay, so this was probably the best first day I've had in my career. Probably because, out of my 3 previous years of teaching, this is the first time I have the same assignment two years in a row!! WOO!!! Stable is good :-) The 6th graders (around 11 yrs old) were adorable wandering around, searching desperately for their classrooms. And, bless 'em if our campus isn't undergoing major renovations where half the classroomss listed on their schedules don't exist anymore, lol. Poor lil' guys!
I am being a hard teacher this year. I have told them they have to say "Yes M'am" and look people in the eye when someone's talking. Plus they have to cheer for one another anytime somebody does something right. And I'm making them keep a log of everything the eat and all their work outs so they can learn about calorie intake/outtake. But I'm gonna keep my own for them to use as a guide AND every time my PE classes work out, I work out. Volleyball practice starts Wednesday (AUGH!) at 6:30am. Then I get to go workout at 6pm. I am trying to lose like a TON of weight by the end of May. Plus, we are thinking of putting in a pool next summer!!!!! (Double AUGH!!!) Can u say "pool party"?? And you're all invited :-)
Oh, and as if this post couldn't get anymore random, I made spaghetti with fake ground beef crumbles last night (and leftovers for lunch today). It was delicioso!!! I never would've thought so, but it's true!
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