[ music | Miscommunication - Timabaland feat. Keri ]
It's 10:30pm and I am so exhausted that I'm not sleepy...You know what I mean? Like, have you ever been so tired you couldn't fall asleep? I have not fallen asleep before 1am all week, and I've been getting up around 6-6:30am. I don't know what is wrong with me but its making me sleepy around midday but then I get less sleepy once I get home from work because I know thats the only time I have to do stuff *I* wanna do...hope this is making sense as I am really delirious right now, hehe.
1. A Message - Coldplay
2. Life is Beautiful - Vega4
3. Sail Away - David Gray
4. Signal Fire - Snow Patrol
5. Your Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Oh, and I never mentioned what books it was that I bought that day I went shopping with mi madre. Here they are:
*Aladdin and other Tales of Arabian Knights
*Gulliver's Travels
*Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales of Mystery and Imagination
*The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie the Pooh
*Best Known Works: Ibsen
*Best Known Works: Oscar Wilde
*The Once and Future King
*The Complete Ultimate Hitchhikers's Guide to the Galaxy
Here's a picture of the new IKEA bookshelf I put all my new books on :)

And this is a random pic of where I put our new PC. The room will be eventually be a nursery **throws up a prayer** soon!!!

Oh my gosh, am I tired?!?!?! We have spent all week in meetings--well, I take that back. Yesterday, the entire staff of the school I work for (Frank Seale MS) was taken on a "field trip", complete with school buses to the Ft. Worth Stockyards TEXAS HUMAN MAZE. It was a blast!!! It has been shown on the reality show, "The Amazing Race" and was a maze that we were put into teams of 6-7 for. My team had our principal on it. We had to decide whether to split up or stay together as a team and hunt through the maze for hole punches to punch our card to spell out the word "maze" and then find our way to the exit. It took me and my good friend Dawn 13 minutes to maneuver it together, but our team did not fare well, so we lost :( lol, but it was so much fun nobody really cared (that's what losers say, right? hehe)
The day before that every teacher in Midlothian (my district), Waxahachie, and Ennis Independent School Districts were brought to the Waxahachie Civic Center for a motivational speech from Ron Clark (www.ronclarkacademy.com). Well, if any of you know who he is, Ron was named Teacher of the Year here in the US and has a movie made about him (he's only like 35 or something, too!! it is crazy how awesome this guy is!!). He made me want to do everything I do differently...more passionately...the BEST motivational speaker I've ever heard. He is a Southern boy who has worked in economically disadvantaged schools (ON PURPOSE) and has completely revolutionized those schools. Because he gave a damn. Plain and simple.
Tomorrow, we get to work in our classrooms all day and we are not SUPPOSED to have any meetings but I've already got two that have been scheduled for me...oh wait, I take that back. THREE!!! woo :( Oh well, at least I can get work done on the comput----oh WAIT!! No, I can't do that because someone hogs the computer all day in our office :(
God Bless!
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