Hello :)
Well, it has been a few days since I've written and I need to catch up!!! Friday, Jay and I called our friend Billy who works in the Service Dept. at a Kia dealership in Ft. Worth and told me that they had a whole bunch of Spec5's at the moment, if I wanted to come look. So we got there around noon, knowing that if we found one for the price we wanted, we'd buy. We told the salesman (a friend of Billy's) that we wanted one that had NO MARK-UPS on it except for a spoiler. And we really liked black. So, he took us to the back to the cars that were FRESH off the truck. It still had protective tape over the paint job, plastic over all the seats, and the radio had not even been setup!!! hahahaha...We took it for a test drive and fell in love!!! It is such a fun car to drive! We were so proud of ourselves because we got the price knocked down quite a bit with our mad haggling skills ;) HA!!! Plus, Billy is gonna do the $600 tint job (the dealership usually charges you for) FOR FREE!!!!! WOO!!!!!! And, any accessories we need, we got the hook-up ;) YAY!!! Here's a pic of it:

So, all last week, I tried to reread "Half Blood Prince" (the 6th Harry Potter book) and only got about 200pgs into it. So Friday night and Saturday morning, I kept reading, but was so anxious about listening for the postman to deliver book 7 that I could barely concentrate. Oh yeah, it probably didn't help that I was watching Sorcerer's Stone (the only HP movie I own) and Goblet of Fire (which I have now watched 5 times while it's been on HBO On-Demand channel, hehehe....I'm a dork!) while trying to read HBP **grin** I told my friend Ashley that I'd go with her to Old Navy once the book came, but by 4:45 it STILL wasn't there!!!! So, she came over around 5pm and we went to look at the house she's having built down the street from me (YAY!!!) and then I made a quick return to my house where Ashley opened the mailbox (it was on her side of the car, lol) and THERE IT WAS!!!! Well, since I only became a Harry Potter fan this year, it was my first-time getting a brand-new book on the day it came out. Wow!!! It was pretty cool!!! The box it was delivered in (from Amazon) had HP stuff all over it and was just really cool looking. So, we went shopping. I just got two white undershirts to wear under blouses because I didn't like the rest of their clothes. Plus, I'm pretty much broke right now, hehe...I got home at nearly 8 and started reading and didn't stop until 2 because I wasn't really supposed to stay up late since I had to work Monday and was trying to get back on a sleep schedule. So I got about 13 chapters in :) Sunday I read the rest of it...finishing around midnight.
She is *the* most AMAZING storyteller I've ever heard of. I am a pretty darn creative person, if I do say so myself, but I couldn't have DREAMED of half the stuff in there. It was beautiful, sad, hysterical, lovely, horrible, and just flat out: UNREAL!!!!!!!!! I am about to go and read it all over again!!!! I cannot WAIT to see what they do with this movie!!!! It needs to be about 4 hours long AT LEAST to get all the....well, you know what I mean if you've read it ;) I am busting!!! There's so much about it I have to say but I don't wanna spoil it for anyone. My husband (who has only seen movies 1,4, and 5 and has read none of them) has really become a fan, too and is BEGGING me to tell him what happens. He went and found out what happens in 6 which I was SO MAD at him for. He totally spoiled it for himself, when he could have just READ MY COPY!!! He's a genius, but not big on reading which I make fun of him for since my dream is to be a famous writer.
Oh my goodness, my legs are on FIRE!!! I have like 13 mosquito bites on the worst places on your shins and feet a person could have them. Friday night when I cleaned out my SUV (which is now Jay's since he traded in his truck for the Spec5) the bugs were EVERYWHERE around my lawn and I was barefoot. They are on my sockline, toes, calves, shins, anklebones, etc.....SO IRRITATING!!!
Anyways, today, I had to go to a special Teacher-Inservice which was GT (gifted and talented) training just for coaches since when the rest of the teachers do it we will be coaching...lovely, isn't it? Us coaches work twice as much as the rest of the teachers, but our pay does not NEARLY show it :( Oh well, it *is* for the kids, who I absolutely adore. I love my job, for sure!!!!
So, tomorrow, I am taking my car back to Billy to get it tinted...Sweet :-D I got a request from someone who watches my vids to make one to the song I'm listening to (see above). It's ironic because splodge04 gave it to me and told me of its amazing-ness :) And this is like the longest post ever!!!! Sooooo, I'M OUT!!!! Have a great and blessed day!!!
1 comment:
Very nice car! Congrats!
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