Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Current mood: cheerful

Current music: lose control - evanescence

OK, so this wasn't a bad day at all, but I always wanted to say that (my subject title), lol...I always look forward to Sunday nights now since I got hooked on Flight of the Conchords which airs Sunday nights at 9:30 CST on HBO. Its hilarious!!! My mom selah61 got me hooked on it, so I made some icons for her today:


I am in an exceptionally cheerful mood because I just got done watching FotC (it was BRILLIANT). Normally, the Sunday night before school starts (well, teachers go back tomorrow and students return next Monday), I am in a flat-out pissy mood. But things are good and I guess I'm ready to get back into a routine. This afternoon Jay and I got a cheapo leather computer chair for me, which is soooo much better than the aluminum folding chair I was using (really hard on the buttocks, lol). Then we put together the bookcase I got at IKEA with Ashley yesterday. It was cheap but it looks really sharp and I can add to it which is a really good thing. So now I can put the new books I bought on it, and find out just what it is I bought, hehe...

Well, I best be off now so I can get ready for school tomorrow :-(
Darn...12 hour days are so fun!

Friday, August 17, 2007

I HATE TECHNOLOGY!! okay, not really, but it does frustrate the poop outta me

[ mood | discontent ]

[ music | Life Is Beautiful - Vega4 ]

It should not be this hard!!! It just really should not be this difficult to transfer files and applications from one PC to another!!! grrrrrr...especially when I have a portable 250GB external hard drive to help speed things along...But, since we got the new desktop last night, it has been nothing but DRAMA!!! **unimpressed**

Of course, since it's new it came with the EVIL Windows Vista program. I am trying to be patient with it, but it hurts my head. So, we got a good wireless router as well since we have cable internet on our other PC and we attempted to connect them last night. Nope, the router installed but the card would not :-( Jay finally got a hold of tech support this morning and got that straightened out. But I have had other problems. We got the PC mainly so I could have one to do my writing on (uninterrupted). We had a laptop but it recently died...poor thing was a little overworked. RIP.

So, I installed Ulead (my video editing software yellowbee hooked me up with..bless u girl!!) and it didnt work. Eventually, I figured it out, but now it won't play AVI files anywhere on the new PC. Which ALL of my video files I use for editing are formatted in. My only option is to convert them all to WMV format I think, which will take AGES!!! Double grrrrrrr...Then, I attempted to install Photoshop. Nope, it rejected the serial number...WTF??? splodge04 was kind enough to give me the CORRECT serial number because apparently the one on my system info was 4 digits short...CRAZINESS!!! Thanks KK ;-) Only problem is now, I can't get the InstallShieldWizard to come back up since it's already been through that process a couple times...I NEED YOUR HELP AGAIN KK!!! You're such a good, I mean it!!! :-p

But, it doesn't end there! So, next I register my iPod for this new PC and download iTunes and all that mess. won't let me import my iPod because apparently they don't let ppl do that because they're afraid of song-stealing...HELLO?!?!? It's already going on with things like limewire, ARES, etc...ppl don't steal iTunes, they pay for that STUFF!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING STEVE JOBS?!?!?!? I spent about four hours getting music files onto my external hard drive and then opening them (30% of them, one at a FRIGGIN time) on iTunes. And, here's the KICKER: the ones I actually PAID FOR with iTunes, won't open because even though I put in my password and username, it just goes to the music store, never allowing me to open the songs....THAT I BOUGHT FROM ITUNES!!! For goodness sake, what is WRONG with the world???? Guess I will be making CD's of those songs tomorrow to beat the system and rip them to my PC that way...Oh yes, Jobs, I will be victorious in the end!!!

But I'm not bitter.


Oh, and Jay's car battery went ka-plooey this morning because of the friggin heat! So, after dragging my happy butt outta bed, taking him to work, dealing with roadside assistance (who couldn't get it fully charged), tow trucks, dealerships, $95 in charges, and a TOTAL wasted day off later, it's fixed.

This is not how I envisioned spending my last weekend before teachers have to report back to school on Monday (NOOOOOOOO!!!!). Hope everyone else had a better day :-) At least I *look* good.....MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm so just kidding!!! Delirium has set in!!!

Peace out and God Bless!

Good Gosh, I keep slacking!! (Originally posted Aug 16th)

[Mood - - rejuvenated]

[Music - Life is Beautiful - Vega4]

Alrighty then, it's time to get back on track here!!!

A couple weekends ago I got to see my long lost sisters from OC!!! We had lunch at a little place in Ft Worth and then went shopping for some maternity clothes for Amanda :-) Here's some pics:

We had an awesome time, but I was a little nervous that since I hadn't seen them in so long, it would be awkward....NOT A CHANCE!!! We couldn't stop talking and laughing. I love those girls!! I wish I could see them more :-) But at least we have the internet now to keep in touch!

*subject change* lol

Okay, last time I wrote I had just been "reborn" as an avid reader, hehehe...I have since decided to start collecting books. Old, new, good, bad, whatever.

Last Thursday night, my mom and I spent about 6 hours at book stores just gazing at all the old collector's books Half-Price had for like just a few bucks!!! I ended up spending $60 over the next two days on books (I know that's alot to spend, but I just KEPT ON FINDING THE BOOKS I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!). It was so much fun because my mom is a literary buff (also one of the best unknown writers in the world...seriously, she's AMAZING and I can only hope to be a tenth of as good as she is one day) and we just sounded like the biggest nerds ever talking all educated and stuff through the stores, lol. I was bummed because they had an 80-year old copy of Dickens' Bleak House but only the first volume!!! Hopefully I'll find a full collector's version somewhere. Anyways, so we realized how late it was and we were STARVING so we went to PF Changs (YUM!) and ate some Hot and Sour Soup and this vegetarian dish that was so spicy we couldnt eat it, hehe. It was good to get to spend some time with her since I get so busy during the school year.

One of my favorite books of all time The Once and Future King by T.H. White we looked ALL over for, but had no luck. So, the next day, after I picked up my permanent license plates that had come in to the Ft Worth Kia, I went to Half-Price in Arlington. I looked again for the TH White book in like 5 different sections, no luck...until I happened to notice some out-of-place books in the sci-fi section!!! There it was!! A hardback first-edition printing of TOaFK!!! And it was less than $7!!! Plus, they also had the complete version of all 6 (thats right--all six!) Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy stories in one book that I had been searching desperately for (one that was cheaper than the $20 version Barnes & Noble just put out.

Then, Mom called to say that she found the first edition Alice's Adventure in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass that Nanny left her after she passed away. Pretty cool ;-)

I know some people out there who are REAL book collector's and don't think its cool just to buy old books because you ENJOY reading them or don't care if they have dog-earred pgs, spines, etc. but I think its neat. Especially when I find a book that has a hand-written dedication in it to a family member etc. (we found one that was over a hundred yrs old that had a father-to-son dedication, that would make the son like 90!!).

I have had the week off and its been hella-nice!! I have been cleaning and shopping and relaxing! Yesterday, Jay and I finally decided to bite the bullet and take our old PC in to see what was wrong with it whether it was expensive or not. So, we take it to the Geek Squad (thats seriously what they're called) at Best Buy and within minutes they have diagnosed it as a motherboard problem and say they can recover the files **squeal** All our files we thought we'd lost!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! So, we got back the wedding story we wrote each other, music, videos, pictures, documents, etc.!!! It was an awesome day!! Plus, we may decide to buy a second PC because we fight over our one all the time and I can't imagine how mean I'll be to Jay if he tries to make me get off the computer when I'm in the middle of a writing thought-process.

Today I'm finally getting my hair done (havent done that since March!). Just getting it recolored and cut. Then, maybe we'll go shopping for a second PC tonite :)

I know I've probably left a crap-load of stuff out---OH YES I DID!!!!!!!!!!! Gillian Anderson's people put on her website, like yesterday or something, that she FRIGGIN PULLED OUT OF THE "HELEN" PROJECT (which has an estimated shooting start of SEPTEMBER, which is REALLY close to NOVEMBER!!!!) !! If you don't know why I'm so excited then you might be one of the last people who haven't heard David Duchovny and GA both say that they think filming for X-Files 2 may start in November **holds in her shriek of excitement** OMG, I hope that is why she pulled out of "Helen"!!!
(please excuse my X-Files nerdiness, but thats just who I am, hehe)

Sorry for the long post, but I had to catch up --again--

God Bless!!